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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stats are very sad for texting drivers

  • Like Driving After Drinking 4 Beers.
  • 23 times more likely to Crash.
  • 5 Seconds of Texting at 55mph is 300ft of Missed Road.
  • 28% of Accidents are Text Related.
11 teenagers are killed everyday in Texting related accidents.
This is just from texting while driving and now imagine the numbers of distracted drivers that are on the road too.

1 comment:

  1. I think banning cell phones didn't make a difference because Bluetooth is equally distracting. It's not the fact of holding the phone; it's the fact that someone using Bluetooth is still mentally distracted and engrossed in conversation and not on driving. That's the real problem.

    Luxury Cars San Francisco
